- martedì 17 luglio 2018
Altoparlante centrale elettrostatico ad alte prestazioni
Progettato principalmente per fungere da centro in un sistema home theater che incorpora altri altoparlanti elettrostatici MartinLogan basati su XStat ™, Stage ™ X è abbastanza versatile da gestire anche le funzioni dei canali sinistro, destro e surround. I suoi woofer dual cono in alluminio da 6,5 pollici, tweeter a movimento pieghevole e avanzato crossover Vojtko ™ integrano perfettamente una solida base di bassi con i medi e gli acuti sorprendentemente trasparenti e dettagliati prodotti dal pannello XStat. Una staffa / supporto con perno singolo facilita la collocazione del piano, del ripiano, a parete o sul pavimento.
Price when discontinued:
3.495,00 USD
"Being a huge fan of electrostatic speakers, I have always been worried about dealing with the center channel, because there weren't any electrostatic center channel speakers available that covered the high frequencies as well as the midrange. I didn't have the opportunity to test the original Stage version of this speaker, but I can say that the Stage X is one superb-sounding center channel, with everything above 450 Hz being covered by flat panel speaker technology. Having the ESL portion in the midrange is a definite plus, as this is the most important region of the audible spectrum"—John Johnson, Secrets of Home Theater & High Fidelity
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"The MartinLogan Montis Hybrid Electrostatic Loudspeakers can rightfully be expected to perform exceptionally as stereo music listening speakers, and they do. Mated with the StageX center channel speaker, they can form the heart of a smashing fine home theater system. I can report without reservation that these speakers are excellent choices for either type of duty… The user who wishes for a quick setup will get very good results. And the user seeking audio perfection will find few loudspeaker “tools” to work with like the Montis at anywhere near the price range that are more likely to please."—Wayne Myers, Home Theater Shack
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Risposta in frequenza |
69-22.000 Hz ± 3dB |
Potenza amplificatore consigliata |
20-500 watt per canale |
Dispersione orizzontale |
30 ° |
sensibilità |
90 dB / 2,83 volt / metro |
Impedenza |
4 Ohm. Compatibile con amplificatori da 4, 6 o 8 Ohm. |
Frequenza di crossover |
450, 2700 Hz |
Trasduttore ad alta frequenza |
Un trasduttore piegato da 1 "x 1,4" (2,6 cm x 3,6 cm) con diaframma da 5,25 "x 1,75" (13,3 cm x 4,4 cm). |
Trasduttore di media frequenza |
Trasduttore elettrostatico brevettato CLS ™ XStat ™ |
Trasduttore a bassa frequenza |
Due cestelli in ghisa da 6,5 "(16,5 cm), cono in alluminio con assemblaggio pilota a gomito esteso, formato camera asimmetrica non risonante |
componenti |
Trasformatore audio toroidale avvolto su misura, bobine ad anima d'aria, condensatori in polipropilene |
ingressi |
Post di binding a 5 vie personalizzati |
Peso |
39 libbre (17,7 kg) |
Dimensioni (staffa di montaggio / supporto sotto l'altoparlante) |
12 "× 34,6" × 10,3 " |
Dimensioni (senza staffa di montaggio / supporto) |
9 "× 34,6" × 10,3 " |
per favore, registrati o Iscriviti aggiungere commenti.
Stage X AMAZING!!!!!
This is the best purchase I have ever made. The detail in sound from this speaker is amazing!!! As you know, the center channel is the most important speaker in a system and this one does not disappoint. Totally worth the price.
So I'm putting together a Home Theater based on Summit, 3 pairs of Motion XL16 and now the Stage X to complete the package. Wow, the match is amazing. The Stage is the first center I've heard that really anchors the dialog, voices are so crystal clear.