Dynamo 700w

Шаг до низкочастотной точности, мощности и глубоких басов!

Опираясь на успех оригинального «Динамо», наши дизайнеры создали компактное мощное «Динамо» мощностью 700 Вт с БЕСПРОВОДНЫМ ВКЛЮЧЕНИЕМ. Благодаря мощному среднеквадратичному среднему току на 300 Вт, пиковому усилителю на 600 Вт и 10-дюймовому конусному драйверу, Dynamo 700w обеспечивает глубокий, жесткий и легкий звук для домашнего кинотеатра или стереозвука. Его стандартная конфигурация пониженного запуска быстро (и легко!) Превращается в настройку фронтального запуска для тех, кто предпочитает «скрытую» установку. Последний штрих - включенный беспроводной приемник для поклонников баса, которые предпочитают чистый, минималистский взгляд в комнате, без кабелей.

Launched in 2011

Price when discontinued:
695,00 $ каждый

Шаг до низкочастотной точности, мощности и глубоких басов!

Опираясь на успех оригинального «Динамо», наши дизайнеры разработали компактное и мощное «Динамо» мощностью 700 Вт. Благодаря мощному среднеквадратичному среднему току на 300 Вт, пиковому усилителю на 600 Вт и 10-дюймовому конусному драйверу, Dynamo 700w обеспечивает глубокий, жесткий и легкий звук для домашнего кинотеатра или стереозвука. Его стандартная конфигурация пониженного запуска быстро (и легко!) Превращается в настройку фронтального запуска для тех, кто предпочитает «скрытую» установку. Последний штрих - включенный беспроводной передатчик и приемник для поклонников баса, которые предпочитают чистый, минималистский взгляд в комнате, без кабелей.

Встроенный беспроводной приемник обеспечивает исключительную гибкость размещения!

Хотя правильное размещение играет ключевую роль в оптимизации производительности сабвуфера, иногда это создает неудобства (не говоря уже о неприглядности!) При прокладке длинных кабелей по стенам, вдоль плинтусов или под полами и коврами. Чтобы решить эту проблему, Dynamo 700w включает в себя беспроводной приемник (цифровую радиочастотную передачу) для использования с включенным беспроводным передатчиком SWT-2 MartinLogan Subwoofer, в этом случае кабельный беспорядок также становится спорным!

Низкочастотный 10-дюймовый НЧ-динамик с высоким разрешением

Высокотехнологичный драйвер Dynamo 700 сочетает в себе мощную магнитную конструкцию с 10-дюймовой диафрагмой, что обеспечивает огромный выходной сигнал и звук при идеальном сохранении мельчайших басовых деталей ... и все это без намека на искажения. Исключительные демпфирующие свойства материала конуса также обеспечивают плавный, нерезонансный отклик, необходимый для действительно бесшовного смешивания с электростатической панелью MartinLogan и технологиями привода Folded Motion ™.

Динамо 700 Вт

Ультра-эффективный 300-ваттный усилитель

Сверхэффективный усилитель высокой мощности Dynamo 700w использует переменные источники питания для слежения за звуком для управления выходным каскадом класса AB. С более низким уровнем искажений и меньшим шумом, чем у типовых переключающих усилителей класса D, эта усовершенствованная конструкция позволяет усилителю работать с гораздо более высокой эффективностью, чем у типичного усилителя класса AB, обеспечивая истинную мощность 300 Вт непрерывной мощности. Энергосберегающий дизайн, усилитель Dynamo 700w потребляет менее одного ватта в режиме ожидания.


Конфигурация с передней или нижней стрельбой

Чтобы максимизировать производительность при установке внутри шкафа или другой дискретной установки, стандартная конфигурация динамо 700w с пониженной мощностью легко преобразуется в ориентацию с фронтальной стрельбой - никаких инструментов не требуется! Крышка гриля и переходники RCA на 90 градусов предназначены для использования при фронтальной стрельбе.

Динамо 1000 Вт

Фильтр обратного математического выравнивания (IME)

Фильтр IME выводится из обратного отклика нефильтрованного драйвера. Точная фильтрация IME дает чрезвычайно точную низкочастотную характеристику - намного превосходящую таковую, обеспечиваемую простыми высокочастотными фильтрами второго порядка, которые обычно присутствуют в сабвуферах в этом ценовом диапазоне.

Герметичный шкаф с обширной внутренней связью

Хорошая герметичная система, как правило, будет демонстрировать меньшую групповую задержку переходного размытия при сохранении плавного, согласованного отклика независимо от исходного материала музыки или фильма. Снаружи корпус Dynamo 700w изготовлен из высококачественного композитного материала для обеспечения акустической целостности. Внутри критически расположенных структурных поперечных связей действует отличная перегородка для сабвуфера, в то время как дополнительная жесткость удерживает индуцированные шкафом резонансы и нелинейности на неслышимых уровнях.

Фильтр обратного математического выравнивания (IME)

Фильтр IME выводится из обратного отклика нефильтрованного драйвера. Точная фильтрация IME дает чрезвычайно точную низкочастотную характеристику - намного превосходящую таковую, обеспечиваемую простыми высокочастотными фильтрами второго порядка, которые обычно присутствуют в сабвуферах в этом ценовом диапазоне.

Полная системная интеграция - разработана для стерео и домашнего кинотеатра

Широкие возможности подключения, низкочастотная фильтрация и фазовое управление делают интеграцию сабвуфера Dynamo 700w в многоканальный домашний кинотеатр или установку стереофонической музыки простой и удобной. Основные левые / правые линейные входы поступают в прецизионный фильтр нижних частот с переменной частотой среза от 35 до 120 Гц. Для систем, в которых процессор объемного звучания обеспечивает кроссовер, Dynamo 700w предлагает вход LFE, который обходит свои внутренние фильтры.

Соединители для передачи энергии (ETC)

Dynamo 700w поставляется с настраиваемыми шипами ETC, которые можно использовать вместо ног, чтобы повысить устойчивость толстых ковров, или создать более плотное соединение между сабвуфером и полом, чтобы улучшить общее качество звука.


MartinLogan Cadence Soundbar and Dynamo 700w Subwoofer Review

"For the vast majority of our readers, I suspect their home theater also doubles as a family room or living room. Just because you have to make some compromises in buying separate components doesn’t mean you have to compromise in sound quality."

—Jim Milton, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
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MartinLogan ElectroMotion - Other Speakers Design and Performance

"This coherence is key to its success – the EM-C2, EM-FX2s and Dynamo all fuse tightly with no differences in tone, which is impressive considering how the electrostatic panels work in such a different way to the cones and Folded Motion tweeters used elsewhere... Insightful detail reproduction, authoritative speech, a seamlessly immersive soundstage, rock-solid bass, tight integration… you name it, this system excels at it."

—Danny Phillips, Trusted Reviews
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Martin Logan Motion Vision Soundbar and Dynamo 700W Subwoofer

"MartinLogan’s Vision, especially when supported by the Dynamo 700w sub, makes a very worthy solution. It won’t produce the broad sound-stage of a “real” system, nor genuine surround sound ambience or effects. But it comes close enough, and its impressive accuracy and detail in the playback of voices and instruments warrant close listening — even by an audiophile."

—Daniel Kumin, Sound & Vision
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Martin Logan Dynamo 700w 10-inch Wireless Powered Subwoofer - Review

"The Martin Logan Dynamo 700w combines very flexible installation options, with both front or down firing configuration as well as wired and wireless connectivity, with good performance... definitely give the 700w consideration."

—Robert Silva, About.com
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MartinLogan ElectroMotion 5.1 loudspeaker review

"The depth and agility of the Dynamo sub is a joy to behold, too, providing a solid bass bed without overdoing it, but turn it off and you’ll find the EM-ESLs’ own woofers offer fantastic depth on their own. Throw the EM-C2’s wonderfully clear speech reproduction into the mix, which injects words with presence and subtle nuance, and you have a very accomplished performance."

—Danny Phillips, Home Cinema Choice
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MartinLogan Motion SLM On-Wall Loudspeakers and Dynamo 700w Subwoofer

"I could easily listen to the Dynamo 700w all day long... MartinLogan’s Dynamo 700w should be on your short list -- this little wunderkind slays anything in its class that I’ve heard. My review would not be complete without a mention of MartinLogan’s attention to detail: They provide everything you need to set up this home-theater system with ease. All in all, an easy recommendation."

—Vince Hanada, SoundStage! Xperience
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Технические характеристики могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления

Частотный отклик

24–200 Гц ± 3 дБ; Безэховая через ввод эффектов LFE

полное сопротивление

Уровень линии RCA: 20 000 Ом. Совместим с усилителями на 4, 6 или 8 Ом.

Низкочастотный преобразователь

10 "(25,4 см) высокая экскурсия, поликонус с удлиненным приводом в сборе; герметичный нерезонансный корпус

Усилитель мощности

300 Вт (пиковая мощность 600 Вт)

Управление аудиосистемой

Переключатель фильтра нижних частот: байпас (LFE In), переменный (левый и правый вход)

Частота фильтра низких частот

35–120 Гц



Частота выборки


Беспроводной диапазон

Несжатый цифровой самочувствительный дизайн 2,4 ГГц постоянно настраивается для обеспечения наилучшего соединения.

Проверка ошибок

Двунаправленная обратная связь постоянно контролирует целостность потока данных.



Subs Per Transmitter


Максимальная беспроводная дальность

30–40 футов (10–12,5 метра)

Беспроводной приемник

Встроенный приемник (передатчик SWT-1 продается отдельно)


Левый и Правый / LFE уровень линии RCA

Power Draw

В режиме ожидания: 1 Вт
Холостой ход: 15 Вт
Макс: 400 Вт


26,5 фунтов (12 кг)

Размеры (ориентация вниз)

12,54 "× 11,69" × 12,53 "
(31,9 см × 29,7 см × 31,8 см)

Размеры (фронтальная ориентация)

13,47 "× 11,69" × 12,31 "
(34,2 см × 29,7 см × 31,3 см)

Совместимые продукты

Беспроводной передатчик сабвуфера SWT-1, продается отдельно

Отзывы клиентов - Dynamo 700w

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  • вторник, 4 декабря 2018 г.

My 25year old M&K no longer seemed to do the job. I decided to try a 700w which was on sale at BestBuy. I was looking at other subs but was not interested in a boomy sound like was I found in a few brands. Although the 700w was not as costly as M&K's would be I bought it now, the 700w was worth a try. My center and rear speakers are Martin Logan so as they matched well with my KEFs I thought I would try it. My great room is 20x18 sound it is not a large room. WOW I was really suprised at the depth and tight bass that it supplied. I used the LFE input from my MAC and it just made the bass come alive on one of my favorite movies Stargate. As with my other movies it did it bass job as I feel it should have. Coming in seamlessly and not standing out as a over bassed. I like the opening of Stargate and was missing the Pyramid craft landing bass with my old M&Ks. Worth very penny! I also belive the technology has improved since my M&Ks were new. Just loving the sound.

King Clutch

  • вторник, 12 июня 2018 г.

Brilliant sub with plenty of features and a super tight BIG BANG for the buck delivery!!!


  • понедельник, 16 апреля 2018 г.

I love this little sub. It's very tight and responsive for music, but it can also make my seat shake when watching movies. Great bang for the buck!

Jeff T

  • среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.

Great Sub but be careful when using the wireless option.
I bought this impressive little sub a few years back and it rocks! It has tons of input/ouput flexibility and plenty of SPLs too. If I had the money I would get another one. I am a 2 channel audio guy mostly with a few movies now and then but mostly heavy metal and techno music. I only have 2 complaints, first the wireless LED doesn't ever stop blinking so I see it on the wall under my tv and then there is the wireless bass option. I wish I knew how to stop the LED from blinking, I guess I could just paint it black but disabling the wireless option would be better. Now, why don't I like the wireless option you ask, well I will say it does work fine but not how I had it setup on my ADCOM GTP450 tuner preamp's ext processor out. Sorry subwoofer options weren't invented yet. So I come home from work and I hear a very loud vibration coming from the general vacinity of my house. I can see my windows are vibrating so I think what the hell is that, I have to get in the house. As soon as I open the door I think oh god my poor old bird he's probably dead, theres no way he could survive this all day and what did people think as they passed by my house. I rush in with hands over my ears and body vibrating to rescue my audio system from a total meltdown to find my subwoofer has walked across the room as far as the power cord would let it go. The power cord connector was on its way to completely rubbing its way through the drywall when I turned it off. After a day of raw uncontrolled bass I knew the poor voice coil was fried so I covered my ears and reset the power to my audio system and braced for the horrible sound you never want to hear in a hifi sytem but it never came. There was just peace and quiet so I fired up a cd and everything sounded fine, and it still is today. I dodged a bullet. As far a I can piece together by the blinking clocks in the house was that the power at my house went out and the wireless link inputs just loved it so when the power returned it decided to go into some kind of crazy ground loop hum oscillation at my ADCOM preamp output which apparently are not relay isolated. When I reset the system in a controlled way the link worked fine but I removed it and hardwired it to the LFE input to be safe and no more problems. Final thought, because my ADCOM preamp was older its outputs were never intended to be connected to a wireless link which is always on and transmitting random noise when the preamp was off. I hope my next preamp has a subout. And yes, my bird (a male cockatiel) is still alive and untramatized at 29 years old.


  • вторник, 15 августа 2017 г.

Perfect Sub. Boom????
Put this into a family room with tall ceilings and about 20' x 20' and Wow.... this thing is great. Wasn't looking to break windows and I might be able to. I've got this on about 50% and it sounds great for music and movies. I can't imagine needing anything more it is very clean and responsive. I will look for more ML speakers in the future.


  • пятница, 9 декабря 2016 г.

Manual Quality
The quality of the product is excellent. But the chapter regarding the Optional Wireless Connection is poor. It only says "connect a transmitter to your electronics"...It should say where and how to connect it as you are not going to use cables as shown in figs. 2 and 4, and identifying it is the actual transmitter you are receiving. Also the starting up conditions should be very clear: turn level to a minimum when first used. Also it could be helpfull to know in advance which are the lowest frequency responses for some of the Martin Logan speakers, as a table, to help during installation.

Frank P.

  • вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

Great Sub!
I recently purchased a Yamaha YSP-5600 soundbar to replace a 5.1 speaker system to make better use of the space we have. I then decided I might as well upgrade my subwoofer and was looking for something with a small footprint and that was also wireless. After reading reviews and looking at different brands I decided on the Martin Logan Dynamo 700w. I was not familiar with their products but decided to go ahead with the purchase. After the initial shock of how small the sub was, I did not think that this was such a good idea. Wrong! This puts my old much larger ported sub to shame. The bass is tight and sounds great!


  • четверг, 17 декабря 2015 г.

Perfect for Small - Medium spaces
I bought the Dynamo 700W just under a year ago, and it has really paired well with my setup. The bass is very precise, and clear. For music, I could not have asked for a better sub (I listen to a lot of Jazz). For movies, it has been more then enough. Obviously there are much louder subs on the market, and subs that will reach a lower frequency, but the "quality" of the bass this sub provides is tremendous. I will be adding a second 700w to my setup as soon as my wife allows.


  • четверг, 10 апреля 2014 г.

Worthy of 6 star service!
It's one thing to design build and offer a quality product and quite another to stand by your products. A glitch in the wireless transmitter was replaced within 3 days of my initial call into service. Now that's service!

Ron T.

  • вторник, 7 мая 2013 г.

Great subwoofer!!!
The Dynamo 700w replaces a 15 year old Infinity SSW-10 subwoofer and completes my all-Martin Logan 5.1 channel home theater system (front Requests, center Cinema I and Surround Vignettes) Whether played in 5.1 or 2.1 mode, the bass and low level music is so much clearer and distinct now and I've had it only for 3 days and its not even broken in!!! Even in low volume you could hear the bass. And the Infinity is a servo subwoofer and is even larger than the Dynamo! Martin Logan speakers are really incredible!!! Everyone who listens to my ML speakers always say they are so clear and the music is like floating in the air!!! I can't believe the Dynamo is making such a big difference. Thanks ML for making such great products!!!

Scott K

  • понедельник, 29 апреля 2013 г.

In the Pocket
Superb quality & finish, Top notch components and interface. This unit was integrated into HiFi using a Yamaha RX-A Series AV Receiver. After break-in and crossover tuning the soundscape is very smooth, with low-end frequencies revealing aural and physical effects previously unheard in the system. I will soon order the Motion 6 centre and 2 series surrounds to create a 5.1 system.


  • вторник, 26 марта 2013 г.

Well I have to say it looks good and feels good. My wireless set up was free it was included with my 1000, need I say you have to Pay For It with other Models “DEF TECH SUPER CUBE” and others but the Martin Logan Dynamo 1000 and my 700 do the BEST!


  • вторник, 26 марта 2013 г.

Well I have to say it looks good and feels good. My wireless set up was free it was included with my 1000, need I say you have to Pay For It with other Models “DEF TECH SUPER CUBE” and others but the Martin Logan Dynamo 1000 and my 700 do the BEST!


  • вторник, 26 марта 2013 г.

Well I have to say it looks good and feels good. My wireless set up was free it was included with my 1000, need I say you have to Pay For It with other Models “DEF TECH SUPER CUBE” and others but the Martin Logan Dynamo 1000 and my 700 do the BEST!

Terry N.

  • вторник, 19 июля 2011 г.

Great Product
Excellent compact subwoofer "particularly for music", very responsive & precise (not boomy). Wireless option is a plus.


  • понедельник, 18 апреля 2011 г.

This tiny subs are awesome I bought two of them running them in stereo for music and theater. The bass is incredible. You can\'t tell the bass is coming from the subs, is like the front speakers morph with the subwoofers and give out one sound. Very musical and tight and accurate and loud too.


  • среда, 23 марта 2011 г.

From Austria with Love ;-)
Just unpacked my new surround system -- B&W M1 ( minitheather ) satelites and ML Dynamo 700 with wireless transmitter. Well ... what should i say ... i also own a superb high end stereo set ( multiple price of above components ) but THE MIGHTY and clear BASS of this LITTLE CUTE SUB is just tremendous and fabulous ! Thanks ML guys for creating this wonderfull piece of music instrument !!! at next occasion i will definitelly go for more ML stuff to fill my hifi world with ... Greetings


  • воскресенье, 6 февраля 2011 г.

Martin Logan makes it happen!
Dear ML I have the ML CLS IIZ's and have had to deal with my Velodine's 18 sub to add just the little bump on the lower extension. In doing so, I have always had slow lumbering, bloated, muddy base and an audible 60 cycle hum that the support staff at Velodyne told me is within spec. for the 3,000 watt class D amp and nothing could be done to fix the problem. I'm am only telling this story not to slam Velodyne, but to show praise for Martin Logan. Yesterday, I auditioned a stereo pair of the Dynamo 500 subs in my sound room and found them to be quite a speaker for the money. Very nice sound shaping of the lower register. One problem was I still wasn't getting quite the low bass extension that I was looking for and the rear sound ports seamed to be a little bloated sounding. (Very little) In short I still need the Velodyne's help since it goes down to 18 hz. Today, I have just upgrade to the ML Dynamo 700's and I must say... "My quest has come to completion". Very tight, fast, base and not a sound of buzz or hum in the units. (Note: I even have them firing forward) Just beautiful black-black rich base. Great sound shape and low register extension. Finally I can retire the 18" buzzing mud maker. Thank you to ML and your design team. I can only imagine the work that went into pulling this small wonder off. My short term plan is to now stack 4 of these on each side of my CLS IIz's and create a vertical bank of bass for the left and right side. (Something like your Statement speaker) I just have to work out a coupling rack so that they can be spaced, braced and angled for point sourced direction without damaging the beautiful cabinet. Just one small concern/problem on the 700's. Do you have a recommendation on the supplied spikes. They are way to sloppy for good floor coupling the way that they slide into the rubber foot. Is there an alternate solution that I can go with? Maybe a longer spike to replace the supplied "L" foot and rubber foot pad all together. Once again... Thanks for the ride. I am revisiting my whole music library and I can enjoy that lower mid bass in the music. Respectfully, Kevin Franklin

hung T.

  • понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

The best for sup clean, deep bass.


  • среда, 13 октября 2010 г.

I had a Dynamo 700 that went bad after a couple of months and I want to let you know that Martin Logan stands behind its product. I contacted ML and without hesitation they gave me several options on how I wanted to take care of the replacement. I decided to send them the sub directly, I had a new Sub within a few days and was back listening to great music and watching movies with a powerful thump! Thanks ML for your professional service and courtesy.


  • воскресенье, 19 сентября 2010 г.

This sub is incredible... It really completes any system...
Martin Logan Rocks


  • вторник, 27 июля 2010 г.

Tight, accurate bass
I was looking for a sub that could fill my 14x12 home theater room with tight and accurate bass after many auditions from other subs I decided on this sub. Tight, well defined and accurate and perfect for my polk audio, denon set up. Thanks logan.

Ronald A.

  • вторник, 9 марта 2010 г.

Dynamic !!
precise and tight bass ,excellent for music and HT.

Brian D

  • среда, 30 декабря 2009 г.

Great Sub
I am very impressed with this sub. I replaced a 12in sub with the Dynamo 700. I was amazed how much more this sub out preforms the old one.