- 2021年10月25日星期一
ElectroMotion ESL X (EM- ESL X )X具有更大的静电传感器和双低音扬声器,具有更强的功率处理能力。作为ElectroMotion系列的旗舰型号,X为价格与性能建立了新的基准。
ElectroMotion ESL X采用新型更大的XStat™静电传感器,辐射面积比EM-ESL型号大50英寸2 。双8英寸高冲程低音扬声器安装在非共振不对称低音反射(移植)腔室中,外壳令人惊讶。低音单元采用定制设计的高刚性纸锥,带有扩展式驱动组件。 EM-ESL X中的组件元件复制了许多MartinLogan更昂贵的扬声器所使用的组件的设计和性能,例如定制绕线变压器,空心线圈,大型钢叠层电感器,聚酯和低DF电解电容器。定制的5向双线接线柱可实现安全的电线连接。系统频率响应为41-22,000 Hz±3db。推荐的放大器功率为每通道20-400瓦。阻抗额定值为6欧姆(20赫兹时为1.6欧姆); EM-ESL X兼容4,6或8欧姆额定放大器。
为ElectroMotion系列开发了独特的XStat™传感器,以减小静电面板钢定子的厚度。减小的规格不会改变面板的性能特征。然而,作为更严格的构建公差的自然副产品,它确实增加了面板的视觉透明度。 EM- ESL X的XStat面板在视觉上是透明的,当你坐着和聆听时它几乎消失了。
MartinLogan最初的突破之一,CLS™(曲线线源)技术,是我们生产的每一个静电扬声器的重要组成部分 - 而ElectroMotion ESL X也不例外。专有制造方法能够将静电板构造成圆柱形部分。它们平缓的水平曲率解决了从大的辐射表面获得良好的高频色散而不影响整体声音质量或可靠性的问题。
真正的偶极子,EM- ESL X从其振膜的正面和背面发出相同强度的声音,但输出处于相反的相位。结果,朝向两侧波浪的声波在扬声器的边缘处相遇并取消。这和相对较大尺寸的ElectroMotion ESL X的静电面板导致侧面输出相对于传统扬声器的输出非常低,这反过来最小化侧壁反射,这往往会混淆声音细节和立体声成像。虽然侧面输出的减少有助于提高静电器的清晰度,但是扬声器后面墙壁反射的能量会打开并加深声音。
为了将高频和中频静电面板的音频输出无缝融合到低频双低音扬声器系统,ElectroMotion ESL X采用专有的Vojtko™拓扑滤波器,采用定制空心线圈和低DCR钢叠层电感器,聚酯薄膜电容器串联,并联低DF电解电容。
"Today I give my five-month review of the Martin Logan ESL X, ESL C, and Dynamo 1600X subwoofer.
"—Techno Dad, YouTube
"Check out my unboxing and overview of the Martin Logan ESL X, ESL C, and Dynamo 1600X Subwoofer. Will I make the jump to electrostatic speakers?
"—Techno Dad, YouTube
—Shane Bollin, Spare Change
"The speakers gave me an opportunity to forget that they were actually there, and having such a large vertical sound field from the electrostatic tower block created a large vertical soundstage just as in the concert hall."—Janine Elliot, HiFi Pig
"While listening, it brought to mind what may be the best part of listening to the ESL-X speakers: They are forgiving enough to deliver the traits I’ve already mentioned, without sacrificing quality. What I mean by that is that is that some speakers sound good with classical music, others sound good with rock and pop. Throw anything at the ESL-X and I think they will deliver high levels of enjoyment that will make you forget that you are critically listening. Instead, you’ll simply want to bob your head like Angus Young or stomp your feet like Neil Young when cranking up the ESL-Xs."—Robert Archer, CE Pro
"For me, auditioning this ElectroMotion ESL X speaker system was like going home again. The affordable (by MartinLogan standards) electrostatic towers delivered the detailed, lifelike sound I know and love, and the solid foundation provided by the Dynamo 1500X subwoofer enabled them to reach dynamic heights I hadn’t previously experienced in my days as a MartinLogan-phile."—Al Griffin, Sound & Vision
"I think MartinLogan really hit their mark with these speakers. Like most electrostatic speakers, they have great clarity of sound with a vivid mid range. Add that the EM-ESL X’s improve on the dynamic presentation. This, along with enhanced dispersion and staging qualities means you have a very worthy product for just about any system that needs floor standing speakers. "—Jim Clements, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
"They have great value, a unique sound,and are a true gateway to the journey that is the audiophile hobby."—Jerry Del Colliano, Future Audiophile
频率响应 |
41-22,000 Hz±3dB |
推荐的放大器功率 |
每通道20-400瓦 |
水平分散 |
30° |
垂直分散 |
40英寸(101.6厘米)线源 |
灵敏度 |
91 dB / 2.83伏/米 |
阻抗 |
6欧姆,1.6 @ 20kHz兼容4,6或8欧姆额定放大器。 |
交叉频率 |
400Hz的 |
高频传感器 |
XStat™CLS™电子传感器»面板尺寸:40“x 8.6”(102 x 22cm)»散热面积:344in²(2,244cm²) |
低频传感器 |
两个8英寸(20.3厘米)高偏移,高刚性纸锥,带延长投掷驱动器组件,非共振非对称腔室格式,低音反射。 |
组件 |
定制音频变压器,空心线圈,大型钢叠层电感器,涤纶电容器和低DF电解电容器 |
输入 |
定制5路双线免工具接线柱 |
重量 |
52磅(23.6公斤) |
外形尺寸 |
59.2“x 9.4”x 20.7“(150.3cm x 23.8cm x 52.6cm) |
The best sounding speaker I've had a chance to own. I am now a electrostatic convert, and using standard electrodynamic speakers in other rooms just shows how much better electrostats are. I see other ML's in my future...
I've had Logan electrostatic speakers since the late 1990's. Owned the ESL-X's for about 2 years and OH MY ! Once you get the "sweet spot" dialed in, I don't know of any equally priced speaker that can come close to the realism and the soundstage these speakers project. My "headend" is: Rotel RC-1590 pre-amp, Rotel RB-1582MKII amp, Marantz SA-KI Ruby SACD player and SVS SB-3000 sub. They match up very well with the ESL-X's. A couple of hints for people considering these: In my modest room, they work best when the front panels are about 29" from the front wall. I also found that removing the rear grills improved the bass.