steve C.
- 2018年2月12日星期一
细长的Motion SLM X3的3声道条形音箱设计为您提供完整的立体声和中央声场,配有三个折叠式运动高音扬声器和六个4英寸超薄纤维锥形低音扬声器。
灵感源自MartinLogan的超高端静电扬声器,Motion系列旨在为您的终极性能家庭影院或立体声提供令人惊叹的声音。 MartinLogan专门的内部工程师精心设计了Motion系列,创造了极其实惠且紧凑的产品系列,将我们精美的折叠式运动传感器与强大,紧凑的低音技术无缝融合。结果是平滑,精致的声音,令人惊叹的动态范围和令人惊叹的清晰度。
电视制造商正在推动电子产品的物理极限,使电视机在距离墙壁不到2英寸的地方比以往更薄。虽然它们看起来很棒,但创造一个更薄的电视意味着对内置扬声器做出妥协;微小的驱动器,更便宜的部件,减少的音量和电视背后的位置会产生不自然,毫无生气的声音。更糟糕的是,这些扬声器通常功率不足,并且在您调高音量时容易扭曲。 Motion SLM扬声器提供干净,易于安装的解决方案,可提升超薄电视技术所牺牲的听觉体验。
Motion SLM卓越性能的秘诀在于创新的双4英寸超薄光纤锥形低音扬声器和双4英寸高速无源低音散热器,配以折叠式高音扬声器,可制造出更大的声学炼金术扬声器系统。隐藏在格栅下方的驱动器通过坚固的黑色阳极氧化拉丝铝挡板牢固固定。高光黑色SLM机柜仅薄1.45英寸,总壁厚为1.83英寸,带有磁性格栅和壁挂式支架。
通过扬声器后面板上的锁孔插槽可轻松连接到附带的墙壁支架,您可以立即安装SLM X3并立即播放。虽然我们在超平板电视旁边创建了Motion SLM X3条形音箱,但这不是它们唯一的应用。每个扬声器都包括支脚,可以放在架子或设备柜上。
"There’s a lot more to this ultra-slim passive soundbar than meets the eye. While it’s a compact and classy alternative to conventional left/centre/right speakers, the Motion SLM X3 also makes the most of musical fare."—Deon Schoeman, audio video
"Though priced at the upper end of the soundbar spectrum, the SLM X3 is a premium solution. It’s like three high-performance MartinLogan speakers, tailor-fit into a compact housing. They refer to it as an “Ultra-Slim Folded Motion speaker". This is a premium product from one of audios finest companies. Highly recommended."—Jeff Dorgay, The Audiophile Apartment
"The MartinLogan Motion SLM X3 is wonderful solution for the movie lover that has not the floor space or budget for large speakers. Featuring the Folded Motion Transducer and advanced mid-range divers, the MartinLogan Motion SLM X3 delivers highly detailed sound for movie and video soundtracks. "—Francisco Licon, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
"Motion SLM X3 gave every extraterrestrial effect and every musical note its due. And once I was plonked down on my own keister with a movie of enormous fun, I forgot to worry about the sound -- I sat back and enjoyed it. Nothing could recommend the Motion SLM X3 more."—Kevin East, SoundStage! Xperience
频率响应 |
120-25,000 Hz±3dB |
推荐的放大器功率 |
每通道20-140瓦 |
水平分散 |
80℃ |
垂直分散 |
80℃ |
灵敏度 |
93 dB / 2.83伏/米 |
阻抗 |
4 Ohms兼容4,6或8 Ohm额定放大器。 |
交叉频率 |
3,000赫兹 |
高频传感器 |
三个1“×1.4”(2.6cm×3.6cm)折叠运动传感器,5.25“×1.75”(13.3cm×4.4cm)振膜 |
低频传感器 |
六个4英寸(10.2厘米)纸盆。 |
组件 |
定制空心线圈电感器。串联聚酯薄膜电容器和并联低DF电解电容器。整体系统热/电流保护。 |
输入 |
低调的推式 |
重量 |
13磅(5.9千克) |
外形尺寸 |
6.3“x 48”x 2“ |
The Motion SLMX3 is a perfect solution to excellent sound and keeping the wife happy! Paired with Motion 15s on the rears, 2 subs & NAD receiver, this room now comes close to my other systems with large towers! Beautiful mids./highs with soundstage covering the front wall. Replaced a Def. Tech Mythos Solo XL from 2006, The Martin Logan is lighter, thinner, better looking and superior in sound quality. Highly recommended!