steve C.
- 2018年2月12日星期一
細長的Motion SLM X3的3聲道條形音箱設計為您提供完整的立體聲和中央聲場,配有三個折疊式運動高音揚聲器和六個4英寸超薄纖維錐形低音揚聲器。
靈感來自MartinLogan的超高端靜電揚聲器,Motion系列旨在為您的終極性能家庭影院或立體聲提供令人驚嘆的聲音。 MartinLogan專門的內部工程師精心設計了Motion系列,創造了極其實惠且緊湊的產品系列,將我們精美的折疊式運動傳感器與強大,緊湊的低音技術無縫融合。結果是平滑,精緻的聲音,令人驚嘆的動態範圍和令人驚嘆的清晰度。
電視製造商正在推動電子產品的物理極限,使電視機在距離牆壁不到2英寸的地方比以往更薄。雖然它們看起來很棒,但創造一個更薄的電視意味著對內置揚聲器做出妥協;微小的驅動器,更便宜的部件,減少的音量和電視背後的位置會產生不自然,毫無生氣的聲音。更糟糕的是,這些揚聲器通常功率不足,並且在您調高音量時容易扭曲。 Motion SLM揚聲器提供乾淨,易於安裝的解決方案,可提升超薄電視技術犧牲的聽覺體驗。
Motion SLM卓越性能的秘訣在於創新的雙4英寸超薄光纖錐形低音揚聲器和雙4英寸高速無源低音散熱器,配以折疊式高音揚聲器,可製造出更大的聲學煉金術揚聲器系統。隱藏在格柵下方的驅動器通過堅固的黑色陽極氧化拉絲鋁擋板牢固固定。高光黑色SLM機櫃僅薄1.45英寸,總壁厚為1.83英寸,帶有磁性格柵和壁掛式支架。
通過揚聲器後面板上的鎖孔插槽可輕鬆連接到附帶的牆壁支架,您可以立即安裝SLM X3並立即播放。雖然我們在超平板電視旁邊創建了Motion SLM X3條形音箱,但這不是它們唯一的應用。每個揚聲器都包括支腳,可以放在架子或設備櫃上。
"There’s a lot more to this ultra-slim passive soundbar than meets the eye. While it’s a compact and classy alternative to conventional left/centre/right speakers, the Motion SLM X3 also makes the most of musical fare."—Deon Schoeman, audio video
"Though priced at the upper end of the soundbar spectrum, the SLM X3 is a premium solution. It’s like three high-performance MartinLogan speakers, tailor-fit into a compact housing. They refer to it as an “Ultra-Slim Folded Motion speaker". This is a premium product from one of audios finest companies. Highly recommended."—Jeff Dorgay, The Audiophile Apartment
"The MartinLogan Motion SLM X3 is wonderful solution for the movie lover that has not the floor space or budget for large speakers. Featuring the Folded Motion Transducer and advanced mid-range divers, the MartinLogan Motion SLM X3 delivers highly detailed sound for movie and video soundtracks. "—Francisco Licon, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
"Motion SLM X3 gave every extraterrestrial effect and every musical note its due. And once I was plonked down on my own keister with a movie of enormous fun, I forgot to worry about the sound -- I sat back and enjoyed it. Nothing could recommend the Motion SLM X3 more."—Kevin East, SoundStage! Xperience
頻率響應 |
120-25,000 Hz±3dB |
推薦的放大器功率 |
每通道20-140瓦 |
水平分散 |
80℃ |
垂直分散 |
80℃ |
靈敏度 |
93 dB / 2.83伏/米 |
阻抗 |
4 Ohms兼容4,6或8 Ohm額定放大器。 |
交叉頻率 |
3,000赫茲 |
高頻傳感器 |
三個1“×1.4”(2.6cm×3.6cm)折疊運動傳感器,5.25“×1.75”(13.3cm×4.4cm)振膜 |
低頻傳感器 |
六個4英寸(10.2厘米)紙盆。 |
組件 |
定制空心線圈電感器。串聯聚酯薄膜電容器和並聯低DF電解電容器。整體系統熱/電流保護。 |
輸入 |
低調的推式 |
重量 |
13磅(5.9千克) |
外形尺寸 |
6.3“x 48”x 2“ |
The Motion SLMX3 is a perfect solution to excellent sound and keeping the wife happy! Paired with Motion 15s on the rears, 2 subs & NAD receiver, this room now comes close to my other systems with large towers! Beautiful mids./highs with soundstage covering the front wall. Replaced a Def. Tech Mythos Solo XL from 2006, The Martin Logan is lighter, thinner, better looking and superior in sound quality. Highly recommended!