Motion SLM XL


细长的Motion®SLMXL扬声器具有高级分辨率折叠式运动高音扬声器,两个4英寸高偏移光纤锥形低音扬声器和四个无源低音辐射器,可实现最大程度的低端低音扩展 - 所有这些都采用超薄外形设计,专为超级设计 - 65英寸或更大的电视。

US$749.99 每


细长的Motion SLM扬声器具有先进的分辨率Folded Motion™高音扬声器,两个4英寸高偏移光纤锥形低音扬声器和两个无源低音散热器,可实现最大程度的低端低音扩展 - 所有这些都采用超薄型设计,专为超级薄电视。

对于更大的低端低音扩展,升级到Motion SLM XL,它增加了两个额外的4英寸无源散热器,并在美学上匹配65英寸和更大的电视尺寸。

Motion SLM X3的3声道条形音箱设计为您提供完整的立体声和中央声场,配有三个Folded Motion高音扬声器和六个4英寸超薄纤维锥形低音扬声器。


灵感源自MartinLogan的超高端静电扬声器,Motion系列旨在为您的终极性能家庭影院或立体声提供令人惊叹的声音。 MartinLogan专门的内部工程师精心设计了Motion系列,创造了极其实惠且紧凑的产品系列,将我们精美的折叠式运动传感器与强大,紧凑的低音技术无缝融合。结果是平滑,精致的声音,令人惊叹的动态范围和令人惊叹的清晰度。


电视制造商正在推动电子产品的物理极限,使电视机在距离墙壁不到2英寸的地方比以往更薄。虽然它们看起来很棒,但创造一个更薄的电视意味着对内置扬声器做出妥协;微小的驱动器,更便宜的部件,减少的音量和电视背后的位置会产生不自然,毫无生气的声音。更糟糕的是,这些扬声器通常功率不足,并且在您调高音量时容易扭曲。 Motion SLM扬声器提供干净,易于安装的解决方案,可提升超薄电视技术所牺牲的听觉体验。



Motion SLM卓越性能的秘诀在于创新的双4英寸超薄光纤锥形低音扬声器和双4英寸高速无源低音散热器,配以折叠式高音扬声器,可制造出更大的声学炼金术扬声器系统。隐藏在格栅下方的驱动器通过坚固的黑色阳极氧化拉丝铝挡板牢固固定。高光黑色SLM机柜仅薄1.45英寸,总壁厚为1.83英寸,带有磁性格栅和壁挂式支架。



通过扬声器后面板上的锁孔插槽可轻松连接到附带的墙壁支架上,您可以立即安装SLM并立即播放。虽然我们在超平板电视旁边创建了Motion SLM扬声器,但这不是他们唯一的应用。包括*每个扬声器是一个弯曲的黑色底座,允许他们坐在架子或设备柜(* SLM或SLM XL)。


折叠式运动高音扬声器具有80°x 80°的色散模式,使SLM和SLM XL在水平或垂直方向上听起来完全相同,非常适合左中右(LCR)系统应用。格栅上的徽标是磁性的,可以在任何方向上移动和旋转到合适的美学位置。 SLM和SLM XL都包括一个专为垂直应用设计的底座,允许扬声器放在架子或设备柜上。

MartinLogan Motion SLM-XL Floorstanding Speaker

"“… the Motion SLM-XL speakers are the best-sounding on-wall speakers I've heard at or anywhere near their price. The speaker's versatility for use as a center channel and/or surround -- as well as its ability to be placed on the wall, desktop, or floor -- make it a superb value. If you are looking for a great pair of low-profile speakers to match with your flat-panel TV, you owe it to yourself to take the SLM-XLs for a spin and see if they're right for you."

—Myron Ho, Home Theater Review





100-25,000 Hz±3dB








94 dB / 2.83伏/米


4 Ohms兼容4,6或8 Ohm额定放大器。














34.1“x 6.4”x 1.89“
(86.7厘米x 16.2厘米x 4.8厘米)

顾客评论 对于 Motion SLM XL

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  • 2018年7月11日星期三

I purchased three of the Motion SLM speakers several months ago (FR/FL/FC). They have been nothing but great, especially matched with a recently discounted Dynamo 1000W subwoofer. The value of the SLM speakers is incredible for the sound. And then there's the aesthetics. I would not say they are overpriced at all. I like them so much I just purchased three of the Motion SLM XL speakers to replace the front sound stage. The smaller SLM speakers will be relocated to the rear sound stage (RR/RL). I picked up a second, identical sub at an even further discounted floor model price at the same time. My one complaint is the stand for the side configuration (i.e. center channel). Some personal matters delayed the wall-mounting of the original SLM speakers I purchased, and the center channel was set up on the mantle over the fireplace beneath the TV. The speaker wire is run in the wall behind the TV, and the center channel speaker has been sitting on the mantle for months (since Feb 2018). A few days ago I came home to my center channel laying on my concrete floor having fallen and smashed into the stone hearth with no earthly idea what happened other than gravity. I guess I had the stand feet set so the speaker was too vertical? It was heart-breaking to say the least. Make no mistake, I will not be setting up the XL speakers until I am ready to wall mount them.


  • 2014年10月23日星期四

All ML
In my other review I talked about migrating and upgrading my components to Martin Logan. First it was my sub, then my center, then my rears. I still had some pretty good tower speakers from college that I was using up front which my cats were using as scratching posts. My tv is on an arm that puts it to the front of a cutout from the mantel. My center sat on one shelf and on the bottom of the cutout my receiver, and other a/v components sat. Everything looked clean, except for the two towers. I have been eyeing the XL SLM's since they came out, but was hesitant because my livingroom is open and has a 2nd story ceiling. After debate, last week I finally pulled the trigger and decided to also swap out my Motion 6 for a 3rd SLM XL. Tuesday they arrived and within minutes I was unpacking and within an hour the 2 fronts were hung on the mantel, I concealed the holes for wiring behind the speaker just under the bracket and the holes perpendicular just under the shelf. The center just took seconds to get the stand put on. I can honestly say they sound better than my towers. Sure they were ~15 yrs old but they were a great speakers when I bought them. With all of my speakers having folded motion tweeters, the highs really fill the room. Having the matched center I think makes things sound a little cleaner. My dynamo 700w is enough to take up the slack for the smaller drivers. The system is truly up to what I wanted it to be, great sounding and great looking. Sure I could have gone with some Motion 20 or 40's and had a better low end, but I believe the clean look, and not taking up any floor space is a pretty good trade-off.


  • 2014年3月3日星期一

I purchased front left and right speakers SLMXL, and the center channel SLM. And both rear surrounds are the FX2. And I have a quality sub. The Martin Logan speakers are clean and sound great loud. The louder you push them, the better they sound. Truly in this case, louder Is better. My better half is a professional vocalist. And that being said, it put a huge smile on her face when I debuted my newly remodeled man-cave, and the Martin Logan speakers. Movies and video games come alive too. Since I was short on space converting a former small bed room to a full time media room, my best choice were wall mounted speakers. I have zero regrets with my choice. I researched speakers for a couple of months. I never found these speakers on display for listening so I was very wary. First because these speakers are not the most affordable, and secondly I am not easily impressed. I said bye bye to my BOSE and hello Motion ! These speakers are truly like going from fast food, to a 5 star restaurant. Once you have experienced it, you realize "You get what you pay for".