Classic ESL 9


經典的ESL 9是您獲得改變生活體驗的門票,具有音頻表現的傑作。這種完全被動的設計採用9.2英寸(CLS™)XStat™靜電傳感器,雙8英寸鋁錐形低音揚聲器和定制的5向雙線無工具接線柱。

US$7,499.98 US$6,749.98

經典ESL 9


考慮經典ESL 9,您可以獲得改變生活的體驗,並獲得音頻表現的傑作。你永遠不會是一樣的。


MartinLogan推出經典ESL 9,這是其最新的現代傑作。 MartinLogan的旗艦ESL系列中所有熟悉的元素都在這裡,並進行了一些革命性的改進。這款出色揚聲器的核心是其9.2英寸寬的Curvilinear線源(CLS)XStat真空鍵合靜電傳感器。先進的MicroPerf定子技術顯示出比這一尺寸級別的任何其他靜電面板更多的隔膜表面積,有效地增加了窄面板的輸出。超剛性AirFrame 刀片結構可降低性能 - 消除振動,其形狀與低音揚聲器櫃形成一種富有表現力的對齊。深沉的低音採用雙8英寸低失真,高偏移鋁製錐形低音揚聲器,精美雕刻的外殼,具有無懈可擊的精確度和權威性。

看看經典的MartinLogan靜電揚聲器中熟悉的元素:先進的MicroPerf定子技術,它允許暴露的靜電膜片表面幾乎是相同尺寸的傳統靜電面板的兩倍。帶有剛性ClearSpar™墊片的加強型靜電面板,可在真空粘合膜片上保持精確的張力水平,而不會遮擋美觀的透視設計。除此之外,新款AirFrame™ 刀片結構採用細長的尖頭箭頭設計,結果是強大的令人回味的組合,在面板和低音揚聲器櫃之間創造了和諧的連接。

經典元素,以全新方式體驗:先進的MicroPerf定子技術,與相同尺寸的傳統靜電面板相比,其暴露的靜電膜表面幾乎可以達到兩倍。帶有剛性ClearSpar™墊片的加強型靜電面板,可在真空粘合膜片上保持精確的張力水平,而不會遮擋美觀的透視設計。除此之外,新款AirFrame™ 刀片結構採用細長的尖頭箭頭設計,結果是強大的令人回味的組合,在面板和低音揚聲器櫃之間創造了和諧的連接。

現在註意一些改進:我們重新設計了Classic ESL 9低音揚聲器部分。我們使用兩個8英寸激光設計的低失真鋁製錐形低音揚聲器,在相對的陣列中平衡,一個向前和一個向後發射。這種設計大大降低了同方向低音揚聲器定位所固有的音箱振動,特別是在34Hz至100Hz範圍內,均勻的頻率響應,從而產生逼真的低音效果。

Classic ESL 9

全新 Ultra-Rigid AirFrame刀片設計

經典的ESL 9 XStat面板採用MartinLogan重新設計的AirFrame 刀片結構連接到揚聲器音箱,採用航空航天級擠壓鋁合金精密製造。這種材料和這種獨特的製造工藝使得面板非常堅固。

這款AirFrame Blade導軌系統採用醒目,前衛的造型設計,前端窄而強,側面寬而有力,是一種現代設計理念。它絕不會妨礙可播放的表面區域或乾擾面板的偶極聲輻射模式。它還提供電氣和聲學隔離,最大限度地減少由振動和共振引起的互調失真。流暢的線條突出了面板本身與緊湊的低音揚聲器和放大器部分的突破性整合。令人嘆為觀止的AirFrame Blade設計增強了成像,低級聲音細節,精確度和揚聲器效率。

Classic ESL 9
Classic ESL 9




我們從揚聲器聽到的聲音是從它到耳朵的直接輻射,以及房間表面 - 牆壁,地板和天花板的反射。我們的大腦如何整合這些信息遠非簡單。根據耳朵的入射角度和直接聲音與反射聲音之間的到達時間差異,反射可以模糊細節和立體聲成像,或增強深度和開放性的自然印象。


Classic ESL 9





Classic ESL 9


MartinLogan專有的免工具綁定柱簡化了電纜連接和管理。提供兩組 - 一組連接到靜電面板,另一組連接低音揚聲器。聽眾可以選擇垂直/水平雙功放Classic ESL 9,或在綁定接線柱之間使用跳線夾進行單線連接。經典ESL 9具有雙向接線柱,可為連接和設置提供最高級別的靈活性。為了進一步簡化設置和電纜管理,Classic ESL 9採用低壓直流電源,無需傳統的重型IEC電源線。

Classic ESL 9

精密製造的高級拓撲Vojtko Crossover

控制是製作傑作的關鍵。 (請問米開朗基羅。)經典ESL 9中的控制由先進的Vojtko濁音分頻器提供。這款分頻器採用最精細的金屬化薄膜電容器,空心線圈和低DCR鋼層壓線圈精心手工製造,採用了MartinLogan專有的Vojtko拓撲結構,可實現極低失真和無縫驅動器/ ESL集成。這種精確調諧的網絡擅長保留和再現最微小的聲音細微差別,同時巧妙地處理任何來源的全部動態。 Classic ESL 9設計用於幾乎任何類型的電子產品。 MartinLogan最先進的電氣接口工程確保了從放大器到靜電面板和低音揚聲器陣列的絕對透明連接。這樣可以產生無與倫比的純度,精確度,清晰度和開放性。

與Masterpiece系列中的所有揚聲器一樣,與任何真正的傑作一樣,當您體驗Classic ESL 9的逼真透明性能時,您將會被它改變。




採用ForceForward低音技術,低音揚聲器相互之間的距離越遠,頻率越低,其有益效果就越大 。 MartinLogan的ForceForward技術解決了一個問題(幾乎在所有揚聲器中都有),低音頻率的聲波在揚聲器後面的牆壁上反射,並與向聽眾傳播的波浪相互作用。當這些相互作用到達你的耳朵時,這些相互作用會在這些頻率中產生非線性,並且低音信息會受到與原始聲音不准確的取消和過度的影響。通過選擇性地調整其相對低音揚聲器的輸出相位,動力Masterpiece系列揚聲器消除了揚聲器後面有問題的低音能量。

ForceForward還通過消除揚聲器後面的低音能量並創建均勻的低音發射,簡化了揚聲器放置的任務。這使得Masterpiece系列揚聲器音箱比前幾代MartinLogan音箱更接近牆壁。根據經驗,我們建議將揚聲器箱的後部放置在比其低音揚聲器直徑更近的位置(Renaissance ESL 15A:12英寸,Expression ESL 13A:10英寸,Impression ESL 11A和Classic ESL 9) :8英寸)。

此外,由於它們具有偶極性質,靜電面板在距離牆壁至少2.5英尺或更遠的位置時表現最佳 - 這種距離對於幾乎任何高端揚聲器的前端都是理想的,無論驅動技術如何。 Masterpiece系列機櫃的深度使其能夠提供與牆壁保持足夠距離的靜電面板,從而保證了非常詳細的三維立體聲。

MartinLogan Classic ESL 9 Speakers Reviewed

"These were some of the most transparent speakers I’ve heard, so much so that I often forgot I was reviewing a pair of speakers and found myself utterly enveloped in sound."

—Myron Ho,

The MartinLogan Classic ESL 9 Speakers: A Worthy Successor

"When I reviewed the MartinLogan Summits back in issue 13, their ability to deliver a major dynamic swing proved impressive. Finally there were some panels that could deliver enough oomph, providing a visceral enough experience to play rock music at a respectable level. The ESL 9 fully embodies this tradition, with a level of refinement that the earlier model did not have."

—Jeff Dorgay, TONE Audio

Des concerts à domicile / Concerts at Home [FRENCH]

"[Translated] This musical epic proposes a few layers of keyboards, including the famous Mellotron which through the ESL 9 has no difficulty in installing a non-removable seat. The walls seem so far away that I completely forget the characteristics of the room in which I find myself. An irrefutable proof of the immersive effect which these MartinLogan provide me, is the fact that I constantly forget that I am doing an evaluative product review, thus rendering note taking a secondary action. "

—Benoit Varin, TED Mag@zine

A True Classic

"The Classic ESL 9s are arguably the best loudspeaker I have ever heard..."

—Noel Keywood, Hi-Fi World

MartinLogan Masterpiece Classic ESL 9 Loudspeakers

"The midrange was ultraclear, revealing details in recordings that I’d never heard before, and the highs were equally clean, and never harsh. The bass was also very deep and fast-hitting, without bloat"

—Roger Kanno, SoundStage!

MartinLogan Classic ESL 9 Review

"In the price range inhabited by the main MartinLogan product line - up to about $25,000 per pair - there are competing speakers of all types, shapes, configurations, and technologies. Some can claim serious bragging rights in certain categories, but I know of none that manage to put the spark in speakers like a good electrostatic, and no company that understands electrostatics and the listeners who love them better than MartinLogan. The Classic ESL 9 is a mighty addition to that line, and warrants a serious listen by the serious listener in you. "

—Wayne Myers,




34-23,000 Hz±3dB








90 dB / 2.83伏/米






XStat™CLS™靜電傳感器»面板尺寸:44“x 9.2”(112 x 23cm)»散熱面積:405in²(2,576cm²)












59.8“x 10.4”x 25.4“(152cm x 26.4cm x 64.6cm)

顧客評論 對於 Classic ESL 9

請, 登入 要么 註冊 添加評論.

Robert R.

  • 2023年11月15日星期三

Back in 2010, I upgraded my Klipsch RF-7 III to MartinLogan Purity Speakers. The transparency, depth of sound stage and purity of the music with the ML upgrade was startling. I further enhanced the sound by adding ARC Genesis room correction to the mix. My wife and I enjoyed the sound and look of the electrostatic speakers for 13 years. I was ready for an upgrade and read all of the reviews. At the time, I thought the ESL 9 was our of my price range. All of the reviews pointed to try the Revel F226BE which was on sale for an $1800 discount. I purchased and had a 60 day audition period with Crutchfield. Wow! The old Purity ESL still sounded better than the Revel. Revel is a good speaker but not in the league with an electrostatic. I returned the Revel and went for it (my wife wanted to send the Revel's back and get the ML) with the Classic ESL 9 and still used the ARC Genesis room correction. I am glad I did. The ESL 9 gives you goosebumps. Dynamic: These speakers hit you with a wall of sound! Deep Bass (verified flat to 35 Hz on ARC calibration), kick drums, guitar riffs, .......... They knock you out! The speakers do it with so much clarity (zero distortion) that you hear new details in the dynamic sound. Clarity: It is like a live performance (Metallica, Van Halen, Andrea Bocelli, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, .......). You name it. These ML's deliver. You get all of the nuances the sound engineers and performers want you to hear. Sound stage, low level dynamics, efficiency, ........ I can go on and on. The larger ESL panel line array is another big benefit. If you have a bigger room, the ESL 9 will play much louder and more efficient. I have a big open room and the ESL 9 effortlessly fill it with beautiful music (normal dome speakers lose 6 db of sound every doubling of distance, line arrays loose 3 db of sound every doubling). At our normal listening distance of 14 feet, the ESL 9 are incredible. The is an End Game speaker for me. Thank you MartinLogan.


  • 2023年9月5日星期二

I previously worked at a hifi store in Hamilton NZ and first heard Martin Logans back in 1998. I was so impressed with them that I promised myself I'd own a pair one day. Well, just recently the stars aligned, and I purchased a pair of Classic ESL 9's and my memory has not failed me...these sound amazing! I don't have a flashy front end, I'm using AudioLAB CDQ8300 preamp with AudioLAB MB8200 250w monobloc power amps with a Music Hall 2.2 turntable, with a Bluesound Node 2i for streaming. I have a very standard 4.8m x 5.5m lounge with a high stud and as usual this room has limitations on placement for speakers this size. Currently these speakers are sitting about 300mm from the front wall and at normal listening levels it is completely fine. My previous speakers are 30 year old Mordaunt Short Performance 860's and to be honest they have served me extremely well and I was very happy with the sound, until I heard these...WOW, the sound stage is enormous, base weight is admirable, mid-range and high frequencies are superb, making the entire listening experience an absolute delight. I had doubts about my amplifiers ability to drive these speakers (being just 4ohm) but I needn't have been worried, they appear to be driving them effortlessly. There is no gaps or shortfalls in the sound, it's rich, round, and full bodied just like a really good cup of coffee! For those sitting on the fence and considering replacing speakers, Martin Logan's are an absolute MUST in any speaker lineup you may be judging. These ESL 9's stack up next to speakers well over twice the price! Thank you Martin Logan for producing products of this calibre and continuing the heritage that I remember so well. Andrew Scott, New Zealand


  • 2021年5月12日星期三

I must agree with Jose! The Classic 9 is my first time owning an electrostatic, and after owning Klipschorns and vintage tube gear to power that system, I have moved on. Coupling the ESL 9's with a Parasound A-21 amp and P6 2.1 preamp was the pairing setup by my dealer (Safe and Sound - Chicopee, MA.) and I could not be happier! With that much power, these speakers match the Klipschorns in dynamic range right down to the DB-A response ! (I took notes, and the benchmark was set with the Klipschorns before I sold them). Incredible sound and image in my 18x24x8' dedicated listening space! Thank YOU Martin Logan for continuing to perfecting this 'exotic' speaker technology. ........Gary

jose G.

  • 2020年2月8日星期六

All I can say is that wow these speakers had blown my mind away, they are very fast, articulate, very true to the system that is feeding them, they can play all kind of music with no problem, highly recommend.