Impression ESL 11A


印象ESL 11A揭示了表演的純粹情感影響,音頻和耳朵之間沒有任何內容。採用11英寸(CLS™)XStat™靜電傳感器,雙功能8英寸PowerForce Forward™低音揚聲器,由雙275瓦D類放大器供電,由24位Vojtko™DSP引擎和ARC™控制(Anthem Room)更正)。

US$11,999.98 US$10,799.98



印象派的傑作消除了藝術與情感之間的障礙,增強了藝術的強烈感受,強調了即時性和動感。 Impression ESL 11A以前所未有的音頻透明度和真實感實現了這一效果。


印象ESL 11A是傑作系列的一部分。它採用雙8英寸低音揚聲器系統,具有ARC珩磨性能,可實現完美混合的低頻響應。這款低音揚聲器陣列與MartinLogan標誌性的11英寸寬XStat CLS換能器的突破性集成,再加上強大的雙放大器部分,可提供富有表現力的動態音頻體驗。這是一種純粹的音頻享受體驗。

看看經典的MartinLogan靜電揚聲器中熟悉的元素:先進的MicroPerf定子技術,它允許暴露的靜電膜片表面幾乎是相同尺寸的傳統靜電面板的兩倍。帶有剛性ClearSpar™墊片的加強型靜電面板,可在真空粘合膜片上保持精確的張力水平,而不會遮擋美觀的透視設計。除此之外,新款AirFrame™ 刀片結構採用細長的尖頭箭頭設計,結果是強大的令人回味的組合,在面板和低音揚聲器櫃之間創造了和諧的連接。

現在註意一些根本性的改進:受我們自身突破性設計的啟發,我們重新設計了Impression ESL 11A低音揚聲器部分,由新的雙275瓦D類放大器驅動,並由24位Vojtko™DSP引擎和ARC™控制( Anthem Room Correction)。

獨立的PowerForce Forward™低音對準技術在獨立封閉的緊湊型腔室中使用兩個8英寸激光設計的低失真鋁製錐形低音揚聲器,控制後置發聲低音揚聲器與低音揚聲器後面牆壁之間的相互作用。通過智能相移設計,我們可以最大限度地降低牆壁對可能反彈回聽音室的低音信息的影響。這種均勻的頻率響應可以產生逼真的低音效果。這是MartinLogan創新改善您在任何房間的聆聽體驗的另一種方式。




ARC測量您房間內的低頻聲音輸出,並將其與最佳響應曲線進行比較,以反映空間異常。 ARC的高級算法可以有效地消除異常現象,只留下理想的標準:在您的聆聽空間中實際混合,自然發聲的低音表現。

通過最大限度地減少房間與PoweredForce Forward低音技術的交互和ARC的高級房間校正功能,以及其獨特的ESL和低音部分合成,Impression ESL 11A可產生完美蝕刻的成像和聚焦;栩栩如生的聆聽水平的聲音的最佳自然再現;並且在戶外進行靈活,全方位的操作。


Impression  ESL 11A
Impression  ESL 11A

全新 Ultra-Rigid AirFrame刀片設計

Impression ESL 11A XStat面板採用MartinLogan重新設計的AirFrame Blade結構連接到揚聲器音箱,採用航空航天級擠壓鋁合金精密製造。這種材料和這種獨特的製造工藝使得面板非常堅固。

這款AirFrame Blade導軌系統採用醒目,前衛的造型設計,前端窄而強,側面寬而有力,是一種現代設計理念。它絕不會妨礙可播放的表面區域或乾擾面板的偶極聲輻射模式。它還提供電氣和聲學隔離,最大限度地減少由振動和共振引起的互調失真。流暢的線條突出了面板本身與緊湊的低音揚聲器和放大器部分的突破性整合。令人嘆為觀止的AirFrame Blade設計增強了成像,低級聲音細節,精確度和揚聲器效率。

Impression  ESL 11A
Impression  ESL 11A




我們從揚聲器聽到的聲音是從它到耳朵的直接輻射,以及房間表面 - 牆壁,地板和天花板的反射。我們的大腦如何整合這些信息遠非簡單。根據耳朵的入射角度和直接聲音與反射聲音之間的到達時間差異,反射可以模糊細節和立體聲成像,或增強深度和開放性的自然印象。


Impression  ESL 11A
Impression  ESL 11A

新的 PoweredForce Forward™低音技術

PoweredForce Forward低音技術結合了兩項MartinLogan音頻創新:PowerForce,可以讓小型音箱準確地產生大量的低音,ForceForward可以顯著降低性能,從而消除前壁低音反射。

PoweredForce Forward低音技術採用先進的分頻拓撲結構,具有相位定時低音揚聲器,可最大限度地減少破壞性反射能量。通過幾乎消除前壁低音反射並與面板協同工作,PoweredForce Forward Bass技術為您提供更多的放置靈活性,並增強聲源的真實音頻真實感。

Impression  ESL 11A



Masterpiece系列音箱的深度經過精心挑選,以最大限度地發揮PowerForceForceForward技術的優勢,提供極致細節的強勁低音。結合Anthem Room Correction(ARC™) ,這些先進的低音技術提供了一種真正獨特的低頻精度。

Masterpiece系列揚聲器箱體尺寸在其Forofof低音揚聲器系統中創造了低音揚聲器,音箱體積和放大器之間的理想關係。通過為低音揚聲器提供充足的內部音量(兩個密封音箱 - 每個低音揚聲器一個)以及強大的放大功能,帶有動力低音揚聲器系統的Masterpiece系列音箱能夠在保留低音細節的同時達到最低音量。

採用ForceForward低音技術,低音揚聲器相互之間的距離越遠,頻率越低,其有益效果就越大 。 MartinLogan的ForceForward技術解決了一個問題(幾乎在所有揚聲器中都有),低音頻率的聲波在揚聲器後面的牆壁上反射,並與向聽眾傳播的波浪相互作用。當這些相互作用到達你的耳朵時,這些相互作用會在這些頻率中產生非線性,並且低音信息會受到與原始聲音不准確的取消和過度的影響。通過選擇性地調整其相對低音揚聲器的輸出相位,動力Masterpiece系列揚聲器消除了揚聲器後面有問題的低音能量。

ForceForward還通過消除揚聲器後面的低音能量並創建均勻的低音發射,簡化了揚聲器放置的任務。這使得Masterpiece系列揚聲器音箱比前幾代MartinLogan音箱更接近牆壁。根據經驗,我們建議將揚聲器箱的後部放置在比其低音揚聲器直徑更近的位置(Renaissance ESL 15A:12英寸,Expression ESL 13A:10英寸,Impression ESL 11A和Classic ESL 9) :8英寸)。為了增加控制水平,Masterpiece系列揚聲器採用兩級控制(75Hz和200Hz),可以對低音集成進行微調。

此外,由於它們具有偶極性質,靜電面板在距離牆壁至少2.5英尺或更遠的位置時表現最佳 - 這種距離對於幾乎任何高端揚聲器的前端都是理想的,無論驅動技術如何。 Masterpiece系列機櫃的深度使其能夠提供與牆壁保持足夠距離的靜電面板,從而保證了非常詳細的三維立體聲。

使用WBT綁定帖, 新的更高性能,多功能性和安全性


Impression  ESL 11A



Impression  ESL 11A



Impression  ESL 11A

精密製造的高級拓撲Vojtko Crossover

Vojtko表示,Impression ESL 11A中的高級分頻器和電子設備為這種巧妙的構圖增添了中等清晰度。這款分頻器採用最精細的聚丙烯電容器和空心線圈精心手工製造,採用了MartinLogan專有的Vojtko拓撲結構,可實現極低失真和無縫驅動器/ ESL集成。這種精確調整的網絡可以保留最微小的聲音細微差別,同時處理任何信號源的完整動態。

我們還考慮了您將為揚聲器供電的信號,並設計了Impression ESL 11A,以便與幾乎任何類型的電子設備配合使用。 MartinLogan最先進的環形變壓器和電氣接口工程確保了從放大器到靜電面板和低音揚聲器陣列的絕對透明連接。這產生了無與倫比的純度,精確度,清晰度和開放性的聲音 - 對於沒有揚聲器的下一個最好的事情。

MartinLogan Impression ESL 11A Hybrid Electrostatic Loudspeaker

"Whether or not you decide to use the optional PBK system, the Impression ESL 11A is one of the hidden secrets in the MartinLogan line-up. Some will miss this on the way to bigger speakers, but they shouldn't. It's a powerful, dynamic, musical fun maker with the usual MartinLogan characteristics of good imagery and great detail, but adds to that a relatively small footprint, and terrific integration between cones and panel. Factor in the benefit of subtle DSP room compensation and this electrostatic hybrid design comes extremely highly recommended!"

—Alan Sircom, HiFi+

MartinLogan Impression ESL 11A Hybrid Electrostatic Loudspeaker

"Let me say it up front: The Impression 11A with its built-in ARC engaged has provided the best bass response I’ve ever heard in my room in the areas of overall smoothness of response and of clarity, definition, and pitch differentiation."

—Paul Seydor, The Absolute Sound

MartinLogan ESL-11A Impression Electrostatic Loudspeaker/Subwoofer: “My High-End Speaker Of The Year”

"The MartinLogan Impression shows how the evolution path of electrostatic speakers has improved the technology to the point where it is nearly flawless in its performance. They now have low bass that matches the speed of the panel’s immaculately, focused midrange/treble, and they can be played much louder than the original ‘stats. The big selling point, however, is that gorgeous spread of sound. That space impression and the ability to convey the finer details of music — it all helps deliver on the promise of musical realism through the speaker."

—John Gatski, Everything Audio Network

Martin Logan Impression ESL 11A

"Martin Logan loudspeakers in general have always had unbelievable transparency and spatial rendering that has to be heard to be appreciated. However, with the Impression ESL 11A, the company has taken a significant step forward. This is not only the most coherent hybrid electrostatic loudspeaker yet, but they also produce the absolutely best bass that I have ever heard in my listening room, period!"

—Christiaan Punter,

Ein Drucks Voll / Impressive [GERMAN]

"[Translated] All this made the MartinLogan Impression ESL 11A in the important disciplines of neutrality and detail reach sensationally with the great Renaissance. Their larger foil area, however, still gave them tiny advantages in spatial imaging. The more voluminous woofers were able to produce even richer levels with even deeper bass."

—Lothar Brandt, Audio

MartinLogan Impression ESL 11A Electrostatic Speakers Review

"The MartinLogan ESL 11A is a world-class speaker. It is revealing, accurate and has the huge soundstage one expects of a dipole radiator. The speaker can sound good with modest source components, but to hear it at its best, use the highest-quality sources and amplifiers that you can provide."

—Glenn Young, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity


要使用揚聲器運行Anthem Room Correction(ARC),您需要購買PBK或ARC套件(請注意,MartinLogan Perfect Bass Kit(PBK)麥克風與MartinLogan揚聲器的Anthem Room Correction完全兼容)。每個套件都附帶一個獨特的麥克風。



System Requirements

ARC Genesis requires an ARC or PBK Microphone, a Mac OS X (10.12+) or Windows (7/8/8.1/10) computer, and an ARC or PBK compatible audio product. One USB port is required. If you are using a laptop computer, check power settings and battery meter before starting to ensure the procedure is not interrupted.




29-23,000 Hz±3dB








91 dB / 2.83伏/米


4 Ohms,0.6 at 20kHz兼容4,6或8 Ohm額定放大器。




XStat™CLS™靜電傳感器»面板尺寸:44“x 11”(112 x 28cm)»散熱面積:484in²(3,136cm²)




低音揚聲器:2 x 275瓦/通道(4歐姆),2 x 550瓦峰值






低音:75 Hz中低音時±10 dB:-2 dB,0 db,+ 2 db ARC™房間均衡:開,關


WBT-0703Cu nextgen™5路接線柱採用鍍金,無鎳,非鐵磁,純銅製成的金銀絲信號導體,具有高導電性和完全絕緣性。沒有渦流效應。




空閒:<1W /通道最大:500W /通道




60.75“x 11.9”x 27.4“(154.3cm x 30.2cm x 69.6cm)

顧客評論 對於 Impression ESL 11A

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  • 2020年6月18日星期四

Best speakers I have ever owned. Spectacular realism and checks all the boxes for me. Previously owned the Montis, which I love, but the 11a sound more detailed without being fatiguing. No easy feat. Paired with a Cronus Magnum III tube integrated amp, both digital and analog songs come to life !!!


  • 2020年4月7日星期二

Perfect speakers. I have owned ML Clarity's, Vantage's, and now 11A's. The new technology has produced an incredible advancement over the Vantage. I am running then through a Naim Uniti Nova and with a Rel S812 sub. They sound awesome. I run them in 2 channel for music and 7.1 for theater. They sound great for both applications. I replaced a set of Focal Sepora No3's with these and could not be happier. Although, the Focal's are incredible speakers, I love the stage sound from ML's. I understand everyone has their own opinion and many do not like ESL speakers, but I love the sound they produce. I have tried without the Rel sub and they poduce a great deal of base and I guess the Rel is overkill, they compliment each other wonderfully. If I hasd the space I would purchase another Rel S812 and run them in stereo. I do not have the room. I decided not to go with the 13A's because I have the Rel and I still believe the 11A's produce a great deal of bottom end without spending the extra money. I promise you will not be disappointed with these speakers.


  • 2018年9月12日星期三

I have avoided electrostatic speakers thinking my room was to small to do them justice but after purchasing the Impression ESL 11A about a month ago I couldn't have been more wrong. My search for speakers is over they are magical! I have not tried setting them up with the ARC system yet but they sound so good I will be amazed if they can sound better. Best purchase I have made in audio land. Thanks Everyone at Martin Logan!

Thien L.

  • 2017年3月15日星期三

Impression 11A
I recently purchased these pair of Impression 11A in Maple cabinet from Magnolia Best Buy. These speakers are beautiful to look at, and the fit and finish are excellent. These speakers were shipped with black covers; however, I would prefer to see a more beautiful covers to cover these beauty. I need to cover them because of my young children playing around the house. I wish they have nice beautiful cover with big ML logo on it. These speakers sound beautifully crisp, highly detail, and very directional. I drive them with my Mcintosh pre-amp and tube amp setup. I follow the setup recommendation and set them at least 2 feet away from the wall, and their locations to my listening position form an equilateral triangle. Any deviation from this triangle, even only a few feet off, will result in unbalanced center sound stage. So let me say again, location, location, location. There is a noticeable different between before and after ARC setup. The reason I chose these Impression speakers over the Classic for their dual balance force subwoofers with their own power amp, and also the ARC feature. However, I feel their subwoofers are not powerful enough (as compared to a dedicated subwoofer box) for my liking. I am not talking about earth shattering, house shaking bass; but at least enough bass pressure or I can feel the bass. I must increase the bass gain in my preamp just to feel enough bass coming out. I also purchased ML BalanceForce 212 subwoofer to pair with these speakers and to augment them. Let me tell ya, they are made for each other. I can equalize the bass with the PBK, and load the phase matching software specifically for my Impression speakers. Now, I can hear and feel substantial bass coming out from my music. Even at low volume, I can still hear and feel the rich and clean bass. Overall, I am very happy with these setup. To make the most of out them, I also acoustically treat my entire living room with bass traps and acoustic panels. Acoustically treated room makes a huge different in sound quality, it makes the best sound system sound even supper.

Geir Fagervik

  • 2017年2月22日星期三

Speaker for a lifetime
Just tested the New Martin Logan speaker Impression. The most important quality in a speaker for me is resolution and transparency. Listening to the Impression speaker is like all the filter are gone. It reaches so deep into recordings, in a way I did not think was possible. I listen to complex electronic music, and the presition and details revealed makes it possible to visualize each sound on the recording. It has a lot of air, and the sounds are never sharp. You can actually listen on good volume without risking tinnitus. The bass integration of the new Martin Logan is so much better than on the former models I have tested. I mean, the result i breathtaking. For me this is the last speaker i ever need to invest inn, and therefore the price is actually cheap!