anthony Z.
- 2021年10月29日星期五
沒有發燒友價格的發燒級表現。受到MartinLogan超高端靜電揚聲器清晰度和細節的啟發,Motion 4i採用折疊式高音揚聲器,4英寸紙盆低音揚聲器和專有的Vojtko分頻網絡,採用緊湊且價格合理的封裝。後置Cascading Bass Reflex Port是一種獨特的長音量端口,可通過非常緊湊的揚聲器提供令人驚訝的大低音,從而增強了低頻。靈活的安裝選項允許桌面或牆上安裝。 Motion 4i還可以倒置安裝,以便於放置在牆壁上。有光澤黑色可供選擇。
是什麼讓Motion Series聽起來如此驚人? MartinLogan專注的內部工程和設計團隊開始利用和改進最先進的緊湊技術,並將它們與創新的工程和歷史悠久的櫥櫃製造技術相結合。結果是一種情感上引人注目的聲音,可以與傳統的大小和價格相近的揚聲器相媲美(並且大多數情況下都會出現故障)。我們的“不妥協”理念賦予Motion Series獨特的聲音,這在其他任何地方都找不到。
Compact Motion系列揚聲器採用專有的Vojtko分頻網絡,採用定制空心線圈電感器,低DCR鋼疊層電感器,聚酯薄膜和低DF電解電容器,實現無縫聲音演示。
Vojtko crossovers以MartinLogan的首席音頻技術專家Joe Vojtko命名。他獨特的交叉設計方法與靜電和折疊式運動薄膜驅動器技術一樣,是“MartinLogan Sound”的重要組成部分。 Vojtko交叉並不是一套設計要求,而是一種哲學。 Vojtko分頻器的設計使得所有驅動器都保持在其最佳頻率範圍內並相互平衡。與電容器和電阻器一樣,驅動器本身也是Vojtko交叉器的一部分。在任何交叉開始設計之前,都會仔細選擇或設計驅動器,以便在非常有意的頻率範圍內運行,並具有精確且可預測的性能參數。 Vojtko交叉總是由高質量的部件構成,並且注意避免過於復雜的拓撲 - 由於仔細選擇低音揚聲器和高音揚聲器,這是一個直接的目標。 Vojtko Crossover的最後(也是最關鍵)方面是最終的發聲是在一個指示現實世界環境的空間中進行的。這種實用的方法使MartinLogan揚聲器能夠在現實世界的房間裡發揮最佳性能。
緊湊型Motion書架式揚聲器系列的曲線不僅看起來很棒,而且還有一個目的 - 允許它們使用附帶的牆壁支架以兩個不同的角度安裝。這意味著您可以將聲音直接指向所需的聆聽區域,以適應高或低牆壁安裝應用。無需安裝Motion 2i和4i揚聲器。事實上,它們在揚聲器支架上看起來很棒,或者坐在架子上的電視旁邊。
MartinLogan工程師面臨著一項艱鉅的任務 - 創造一種緊湊的揚聲器,揚聲器中的低端低音再現功能要大得多。經過許多不眠之夜和無數的原型,他們創造了Cascading Bass Reflex Port。這個出色的解決方案允許一個長的調整端口,它被折疊在一起(想像一個長號的調音臂)被壓縮並擠壓到Motion 4i中。結果是驚人的低音低音,可以以最小的失真播放大音量 - 所有這一切都歸功於優雅簡單的級聯折疊,減慢速度並控制低音波的空氣運動。
—Shane Bolin, Spare Change
"I haven’t heard anything that comes even close to sound quality of the MartinLogan Motion 4i at anywhere near their price point."—George Graves, Audiophile Style
"I was already a fan of MartinLogan products, loving their speakers such as the $80,000 Neolith, but wasn’t sure how much the quality trickled down into the lower-priced products. Consider me impressed. I have not seen many products in these price ranges that can compete, and certainly none that look as good."—Michael Laurance, The Shoestring Audiophile
"A lot of technical knowledge and clever engineering went into the design of the MartinLogan Motion 4i bookshelf speakers. They’ve succeeded at a low price."—Mel Martin, Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
—Channa De Silva, Techno Dad
"When space is at a premium, but you refuse to cut corners when it comes to audio fidelity, a system comprised of MartinLogan’s Motion 4i, 8i and Dynamo 800X is a solution that I enthusiastically recommend."—Mark Henninger, AVS Forum
"If you’re looking for something different, and an involving listening experience, I highly recommend that you give the MartinLogan Motion 4i an audition."—Vince Hanada, SoundStage! Access
"Just as MartinLogan has done with their hybrid ESL speakers, the seamless blend between the Motion tweeter and the woofer feels like you are listening to a full range speaker. There is a level of transparency here that just doesn’t happen with other budget small speakers and that’s impressive."—Jeff Dorgay, TONEAudio
"After listening to the Motion 4i, I can attest that this is a very cool little speaker. There are several features the wizards at MartinLogan packed into the speaker that influences its ultimate final sonic signature, but before we dig into that, it's worth asking: what is this speaker, anyway? Is it a near-field monitors for musicians and recording engineers? Is it a good right and left option in an audiophile 2.1 system? Is it good for the right, left, and surround duties of a surround sound system? Is it an option for a computer playback system? The answer to all of the above: yes, yes, yes, and yes!"—Scott Schumer,
"If you’re not familiar with the original Motion Series speakers, their performance can best be summed up in two words: “detailed” and “dynamic.” Much like the originals, the amount of sound coming out of these little cabinets is a bit startling. "—Dennis Burger, Residential Systems
頻率響應 |
70-23,000 Hz±3dB |
推薦的放大器功率 |
每通道20-150瓦 |
水平分散 |
80℃ |
垂直分散 |
80℃ |
靈敏度 |
90 dB / 2.83伏/米 |
阻抗 |
4 Ohms兼容4,6或8 Ohm額定放大器。 |
交叉頻率 |
2,900赫茲 |
高頻傳感器 |
1“×1.4”(2.6cm×3.6cm)折疊式運動傳感器,5.25“×1.75”(13.3cm×4.4cm)振膜 |
低頻傳感器 |
帶有沖壓鋼籃的4“(10.2cm)紙盆。非共振不對稱腔室。剛性結構防塵帽,減少錐形破碎模式。折疊式低音反射端口。 |
組件 |
定制空心線圈和低DCR鋼層壓電感。串聯聚酯薄膜電容器和並聯低DF電解電容器。整體系統熱/電流保護。 |
輸入 |
用香蕉插座推動式 |
重量 |
6磅(2.72千克) |
外形尺寸 |
12.6“x 5.6”x 5.7“ |
I use the 4's for my back surrounds... I scared myself the first time I used them because I wasn't ready for the superbness.
I use these as my side surrounds and back surrounds..... They did not disappoint. Incredible sound and clarity. Thank you, Martin Logan!
I just bought a pair of these at Best Buy. In the store they sounded good enough, but when I got home and hooked them up, WOW! I can not believe how these speakers sound. Seriously, these are some really good speakers. So crisp. So dynamic for the size. I want another pair now.
Outstanding sound quality.