Purezza a gamma intera classica

In molti modi il cuore e l'anima di MartinLogan. Il CLS IIz proietta i passaggi musicali fedelmente come un prisma disperde i colori dello spettro.

Lo standard industriale per la risoluzione dei dettagli, il diaframma curvilineo del CLS IIz riproduce l'intera gamma musicale. Privo di anomalie di fase incrociate e distorsioni multi-driver, il CLS IIz è in grado di rivelare la sottile magia olografica all'interno della musica che trasforma l'esperienza dall'ascolto a "essere lì".

Launched in 1992

Price when discontinued:
5.995,00 USD



Le specifiche sono soggette a modifiche senza preavviso

Risposta in frequenza

35-20.000 Hz ± 3dB

Potenza amplificatore consigliata

20-400 watt per canale

Dispersione orizzontale

30 °

Dispersione verticale

Sorgente di linea da 48 "(121,92 cm)


86 dB / 2,83 volt / metro


4 Ohm, 1,5 a 20 kHz Compatibile con amplificatori con 4, 6 o 8 Ohm.

Trasduttore ad alta frequenza

Trasduttore elettrostatico CLS ™ da 48 "(121,92 cm)


Trasformatori audio a doppia avvolgimento personalizzati, condensatori in polipropilene


Post di binding a 4 vie


85 libbre (38,5 kg)


57.5 "x 28" x 14.5 "
(146 cm x 71,1 cm x 36,8 cm)

recensioni dei clienti Per CLS IIz

per favore, registrati o Iscriviti aggiungere commenti.


  • 5
  • martedì 1 febbraio 2011

Best of the Best
Dear Martin & Logan I have had the CLS IIz's in my sound room for over 5 years and can't say enough about how these speakers handle sound. Although they are not an efficient speaker it's nothing that respectable tube gear can't handle. I would like to say that those nay sayer reviewers that report that "they don't rock", have not placed them in the correct room with the correct acoustic treatment and bracing. They are like a good wine or brandy... "They just need to breath!" I find them to have an incredible sound field and deliver a full range of micro and macro dynamics without adding color or signature to my recording. Note: I feel they are the best speakers for handling the difficult sound spectrum found in trumpets and excel with ease at making strings sound so natural and effortless. It has been a while since I have thought about my CLS IIz's, since I find that when you get sound correct, one tends to go on without looking back. Additionally, Like most, I generally listen to music with my eyes closed and often forgot all about them because they are simply not there to find. Just a huge wide sound with a complete sense of being in the front row or floating above (Depending on the recording). At times, I swear I can smell the singers perfume and see the direction that he piano is facing. It's a shame that audio equipment such as this treasure get left behind in the wake of the re-invention world we live... Thanks for the many music journeys. Respectfully Kevin Franklin Toronto Canada


  • 5
  • martedì 1 febbraio 2011

Best of the Best
Dear Martin & Logan I have had the CLS IIz's in my sound room for over 5 years and can't say enough about how these speakers handle sound. Although they are not an efficient speaker it's nothing that respectable tube gear can't handle. I would like to say that those nay sayer reviewers that report that "they don't rock", have not placed them in the correct room with the correct acoustic treatment and bracing. They are like a good wine or brandy... "They just need to breath!" I find them to have an incredible sound field and deliver a full range of micro and macro dynamics without adding color or signature to my recording. Note: I feel they are the best speakers for handling the difficult sound spectrum found in trumpets and excel with ease at making strings sound so natural and effortless. It has been a while since I have thought about my CLS IIz's, since I find that when you get sound correct, one tends to go on without looking back. Additionally, Like most, I generally listen to music with my eyes closed and often forgot all about them because they are simply not there to find. Just a huge wide sound with a complete sense of being in the front row or floating above (Depending on the recording). At times, I swear I can smell the singers perfume and see the direction that he piano is facing. It's a shame that audio equipment such as this treasure get left behind in the wake of the re-invention world we live... Thanks for the many music journeys. Respectfully Kevin Franklin Toronto Canada


  • 5
  • martedì 1 febbraio 2011

Best of the Best
Dear Martin & Logan I have had the CLS IIz's in my sound room for over 5 years and can't say enough about how these speakers handle sound. Although they are not an efficient speaker it's nothing that respectable tube gear can't handle. I would like to say that those nay sayer reviewers that report that "they don't rock", have not placed them in the correct room with the correct acoustic treatment and bracing. They are like a good wine or brandy... "They just need to breath!" I find them to have an incredible sound field and deliver a full range of micro and macro dynamics without adding color or signature to my recording. Note: I feel they are the best speakers for handling the difficult sound spectrum found in trumpets and excel with ease at making strings sound so natural and effortless. It has been a while since I have thought about my CLS IIz's, since I find that when you get sound correct, one tends to go on without looking back. Additionally, Like most, I generally listen to music with my eyes closed and often forgot all about them because they are simply not there to find. Just a huge wide sound with a complete sense of being in the front row or floating above (Depending on the recording). At times, I swear I can smell the singers perfume and see the direction that he piano is facing. It's a shame that audio equipment such as this treasure get left behind in the wake of the re-invention world we live... Thanks for the many music journeys. Respectfully Kevin Franklin Toronto Canada